This Week is National Public Health Week (NPHW), we’re taking a look at the intersections of our lives that affect our health and well-being. And we’re encouraging everyone — public health professionals, students, elected leaders and the general public — to step in and do what they can to make our world a more equitable, safe, healthy and just place. We’re also going to have some fun along the way. We hope you’ll join us.
Monday's 4/4/22 Today's Focus is : Racism: A Public Health Crisis

The public health community must address racism as the key driver of poorer health for communities of color and health disparities.
Advocate for policies and practices that promote truth telling and racial healing. Apply a racial equity lens to all decisions about policies and programs. Racism shapes where and how people live and what resources and opportunities they have. Racism directly affects the physical and mental health of people of color. Yet the communities most impacted by structural racism are often excluded from processes where decisions are made that directly affect their lives Inclusion and Input from these communities can also result in more equitable distribution of power and resources and improve people's health and well-being.
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