The COVID-19 pandemic has led to serious declines in well-child visits and routine immunization rates. Without vaccines there is a risk for outbreaks and further strain on our nation’s healthcare system. With our children headed back to school it is imperative that they are up to date in vaccinations against childhood diseases.
One thing that this pandemic has shown us is the power in vaccines ability to prevent community widespread outbreaks.
We know and have seen all too well the devastating consequences that diseases, like whooping cough and measles, can have on children and their families. It is tragic to see a child become sick, or even die, from a disease that we can prevent with safe and effective vaccines. In our fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, we cannot let down our guard against preventable childhood diseases. Now is the time to get every up to date with recommended vaccines.
The following charts will let you know which vaccines your child needs. Call us to schedule your child's Vaccine well Visit. 212 -227-8401

Spanish 0-6 yrs

7-18 yrs

7-18 yrs Spanish
