April is Alcohol Awareness Month and we at Betances Health Center wanted to share some quick information about drinking.
It sometimes seems like people drink all the time, but the truth is that 30% of the United States does not drink at all. However, about 30% of the country does drink at what are called “risky” or “harmful” levels. This means that their drinking may be affecting their lives and their health. Alcohol affects our bodies in many ways. In the short term it makes us more likely to experience violence or injuries or to do something we might later regret. In the longer term, alcohol can affect our brains, our liver, our digestion, and much more. In fact, drinking can have negative effects on almost every part of our bodies.
The recommendation is that adult men drink no more than 4 drinks on any night and no more than 14 drinks a week. Adult women, and men over 65, are recommended not to drink more than 3 drinks on any night and no more than 7 drinks a week. If you are drinking above these levels, even making a small change can have a positive impact on your health. Starting by being aware of your intake and then avoiding “triggers”, planning for urges, and finding alternatives are all great strategies for reducing your drinking. Alternating with water, setting limits, and using protection during sex are some ways to reduce risks if you do choose to drink.
No matter what, we hope that you feel open to discuss your drinking with your team here at Betances. Talking honestly about drinking is a big step and we are never here to make you feel guilty or judged. We want to be there to help make connections between your drinking and your physical and mental health. And if you are ready to make a change to your drinking, our team is always here to support and assist you.