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Betances Health Center

In order to protect your health, we are following the New York City Department of Health and CDC recommendations to reschedule non-urgent or routine appointments for patients who may be at higher risk of complications from respiratory illness if exposed to Covid-19.

Higher risk patients include:

· Older adults >/=60

· those with health conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes;

· Those with breathing problems such as Asthma, Emphysema COPD,

· Weakened immune system, such as HIV

if you are being rescheduled and are in need of the following:


If you are running low on your medicine, call your pharmacy and ask them to send it to us through the computer AND let us know if there anything else we can assist you with.

If you do develop symptoms like cough, fever or other respiratory problems, please call give us a call so we can advise you if it is best to stay home and self-monitor or come into the office.

Tips to slow the transmission of the virus:

· you feel sick, stay home. Do not go to work. Contact your medical provider.

· If your children are sick, keep them at home. Contact your medical provider.

· If someone in your household has tested positive for the Coronavirus, separate that person from everyone else in the house and keep the entire household at home.

· If you are an older American, stay home and away from other people.

· If you are a person with a serious health condition—such as a heart or lung problem—stay home and away from other people.

These are some tips to protect yourself from the virus:

· Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, or nose.

· Avoid close contact with anyone who appears to be sick.

· Wash your hands well and frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

· Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water isn’t readily available.

· Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

· Clean and disinfect your home more than once a day, frequently touched objects and surfaces such as door knobs, faucets.

Stay home if you develop cold with a cough or fever, or shortness of breath. Monitor how you feel and call us.

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